"The word privileged springs to mind, I feel privileged and lucky to have been coached by this incredible gifted person.

There are so many people out there who label themselves as a coach and to find one who is so skilled in what she does and so qualified in so many different disciplines is so rare to find.

Someone so authentic and doesn't bring their own ego to the mix.

I am not the same person I was when I started with Gemma a few months ago. The knowledge and intelligence and beauty that has gone into the programmes is just incredible, I just can't find the words to explain how incredible it has been, I have so many moments of gratitude.

I feel so lucky to have been able to work with Gemma. I could not recommend a better coach"

Jen Cross

'I have just completed the Quantum Alignment Certificate with Gemma and wanted to share my experience for those who are thinking about applying.

I’d read through the course description a few times before having a sudden realisation that it described where I was exactly!

I had just come to realise that my job was not in line my with soul path and I was experiencing stress, burnout and other physical dis-ease symptoms. I handed my notice in just before the course started and it has been truly amazing in helping me identify my path as well as giving me tools to heal myself and create a new business.

I have loved having the workbooks to go through at my own pace and they have been deeply supportive. The coaching calls and quantum healings have also been transformative and Gemma’s ongoing support and encouragement are phenomenal.

In 12 weeks I have gone from being on the brink of breakdown to the brink of launching my new dream business which fits around my lifestyle and children. The course has given me daily actions and motivations to move towards my path and I am beyond grateful for it and Gemma. I highly recommend the programme and wish those of you applying the very best of luck in creating an amazing new vision for yourselves!'

Amy Shawcross

"It was the BEST decision I have ever made in my life. If you sign up it will be life changing.

Signing up for the Quantum Alignment course with Gemma was absolutely one of the best full body YES Decisions I have ever made!

Not only is Gemma the energy queen but also the manifestation queen. She has guided and held a safe space for me to fully embody my sensitive super powers and my light language.

Her gentle nudges have allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and into my power!

The life changing tools I have learned such as positive psychology, energy clearing, feeling safe in my body and shadow work has allowed me to fully embody my gifts. I am now able to lead my clients with these tools and will forever be grateful to Gemma.

Kim Stewart - Moolman

I was so drawn to the Quantum Alignment certification after being in Gemmas membership Quantum Queen and it was amazing.

This programme embraces who you really are from where woo and science collide.

We had weekly calls and each week there was a different subject from positive psychology to quantum healing and energy clearing and coaching.

I learn so much from this from the day I stepped into it.

I learned how to keep my channel clear and shift my vibration.

This aspect made my Healing sessions even more potent and increased the level of healing some what beyond my own expectations.

I even remember one of my recent healing sessions where I cried at the absolute clean and clearness of what was channelled in for my client.

This is testament to what Gemma teaches, guides, and supports with her utter divine beauty, patience and knowledgeable way.

Her gentle yet powerful energy was just what I needed.

She has in this 12 weeks transformed not only me as human but on a quantum level also.

So grateful

Dionee Brown

I feel so lucky and grateful to have worked with Gemma on Quantum Alignment.

My yoga therapy, energy healing and quantum coaching business has grown from bringing in very little to now being a sustainable monthly income for me.

I can't really believe how much my life has changed since working with her, from leaving a fear based relationship of 13 years and being suicidal, to manifesting my home, yoga studio, shepherds hut, Fiancé, motorhome and lots of wonderful soul led clients.

She's truly amazing and gives me so many tools to work with my own clients too. The more I follow my heart, do self care and listen to my body, the more the Universe rewards me. "

Vicky Bissett

"Within 24 hours of working with Gemma I had been able to shift my my mindset.

Gemma’s combination of science & spirituality really resonates with me & I just love working with her. I have let go of the fear & doubt & pushy energy has shifted & money & clients are flowing in.

I feel like I have a purpose & more fulfilled than I have in ages...I’m enjoying it so much it doesn’t even feel like work & it’s just amazing to experience & behold!

Thank you Gemma for guiding me on this amazing journey!! Love love loving it!"

Alex Bannard

If you are thinking about joining the Quantum Queen Membership then think no more just GO FOR IT!

You will not regret it!

I originally joined the membership for the Shadow Queen Workshop not knowing if I’d stay but it’s just so good that 5 months later, I’m still here!

What I love about the membership is the unwavering support from Gemma and the fabulous ladies in the group. They really have your back and it’s a beautiful safe space to reflect and share our experiences.

As well as the Telegram channel and Facebook Group for support Gemma also schedules really useful workshops and live sessions focused on various topics. There’s always something to learn and apply which is super cool.

And if that wasn’t enough then…

There’s also a portal where Gemma archives all the workshops, lives and guest speaker sessions as well as meditations and activations which I love! Gemma’s activations and meditations have really helped when I’ve been unsure how to clear something or feel like I need a boost. They are my go-to as I trust Gemma’s authentic energy and connection to source.

I can honestly say that I have shifted so much and accelerated my awareness and growth since being in the presence of Gemma and magical ladies in the group.

With love


Many years ago a clairvoyant told me a Gemma would come into my life.

She certainly has, exactly when I needed to reconnect to my authentic self.

Gemma has seen me through major shifts in my life and Quantum Alignment programme was no different.

She’s such an amazing coach, Quantum is eye and heart opening! I’m very thankful to have worked with her and her tribe. Within 2 minutes of working with her I manifested my dream role!

Chantell Smith-Minns

'I’d done a lot of different work on myself but I couldn’t shake this feeling inside of me I was at such a crossroads in every single part of my life and I couldn't make a decision. I felt like I was a rabbit in headlights.

The first time I joined a session with Gemma I knew I could tap into joy ,I just couldn’t stop crying when I knew something else was possible, it was so beautiful.

The course REALLY shifted me and the Breathwork released so much, there had been so much there I’d pushed down for so long.

And now after working with Gemma I’m just woah it has been remarkable and to feel the way that I feel now I have never felt before! I am so comfortable with being myself and all the parts of me I used to push down and think weren’t acceptable.

Working on the shadows and subconscious has been truly remarkable, I feel so privileged to have worked with Gemma, she has helped me so much.

If anyone does feel like they are putting on a façade or not in true alignment with their authentic selves please do invest in yourself and take these steps, I’d never invested in myself in this way before and it just was the BEST thing ever!

I was always told I was too much, too passionate, you're too fiery, too much energy and I’d pushed all of those things down. Working with

Gemma has brought those shadow gifts back up to be used for good, to find REAL strength inside of me, its just exceptional and ground breaking. I truly can say I love myself more now! I just don’t have words to describe it!

I also understand now about clearing my energy, its been a big lesson for me, I can now clear my own energy and protect myself and I’ve loved having clearings with Gemma too.

I wish I could bottle up this feeling and give it to everyone!

I want and I deserve an extra ordinary life, with extraordinary relationships and that requires a lot of deep work on myself. I have built a toolbox now I can refer on going forwards too!

This work has also helped my children and my husband, my whole family has shifted because I shifted too its amazing'


"I have regular Quantum Alchemy sessions with Gemma and I'm in her membership because I desire to create as much ease and flow in life and business as possible. I intuitively know when it is time for another clearing and that I’m taking responsibility for my own energy.

I am very intuitive myself but I find I need a second pair of eyes especially with pinpointing specific energies that need clearing and this is where Gemma comes in who I am so grateful to have this support with.

This enables me to hold even more space for my clients with somatic practices and working with trauma, I know its so important to be able to hold that space without energetic interference or picking up energy from clients.

I have had amazing physical effects! My heart rate variability went up which means my body is moving into a stress free place. I also became much more magnetic, I felt my energy rise and loads of different opportunities came my way including winning an incredible competition right after the session!

Gemma is incredible, using the tools but also incredible intuition and channelling the knowledge and information that I need to know or need to know. I have many ‘aha’ moments. It is well worth the investment and I regularly work with Gemma" Anna"

Anna Rushmer

'I've done several of Gemma's courses and she is a breath of fresh air.

She is so skilled as a coach and knows exactly what to say and challenge you to get you to the next level.

The content online is amazing and you can work through it in your own time as well as the amazing course.

Working with the Quantum and Positive Psychology you learn so many tools along the way and I've found it so powerful to use with my clients.

So much more is possible for us all, we can all Quantum Leap and I LOVED the other women on this programme too. THANK YOU so much'

Lisa Reynolds

"Gemma really gets you and understands you, digs deep with you to get to the root of the issue.

She's not afraid of asking challenging questions to get to the root of the issue. Even as a coach myself that understanding of peeling back the layers of self awareness is something she does incredibly well. This is why I chose her as my coach.

I adore that she brings together spirituality and science incredibly well, I have not seen anyone do it better. I would very highly recommend her as a coach.

Also as HSP, introvert & I know I get easily overwhelmed & I have clearings with Gemma.

Gemma has such a wonderful, relaxing and comforting presence that the session itself felt like a dedicated self-care experience.

The day after:

- I meditated for 45 minutes with ease and was able to reconnect to my higher self

- I updated my website, created a new free resource, recorded 2 podcast episodes all in just over 24 hours

- my recent blood tests (taken the day after) showed my white blood cell count had dropped

- I could tap into pockets of joy again

So very grateful to Gemma for this wonderful experience"


Kate Carter

"I'm a GP, Coach and Lifestyle Medic. I wanted to let you all know how incredible Gemma has been.

She has literally changed my whole life and she's made such a massive impact. Gemma has changed my whole outlook and my life has now changed.

I cannot thank Gemma enough on how much she's done and how incredible she is. Thank you!"

Dr Sarah Sykes

"Gemma is a truely amazing and pure soul. Everytime we connect I feel very safe and guided with a powerful and yet gentle energy.

Gemma has on many occasions shone a light for me to find my way through whatever it is I am dealing with. She creates a super safe space for me to discover what is right for me away from all the noise that life can contain.

Could not recommend her more highly"

Anna Bartholamew

"Gemma's sessions are quite beyond the ordinary. By miles even!

She uses the tools with with aplomb and with an ease I just admire!

She knew things that I could not have possibly let her have any clue about.

Gemma is delightful always. Engaging, entertaining, worth every second, every penny, and every ounce of attention.

I am fortunate to have her as part of my healing posse ! My project is a very big scary label.

Love her so much!

Carolyn Street-Johns

What attracted me to working with Gemma was she understood me at my core + what I needed and how I can use my sensitivities to my advantage.

Working with someone who understands me is amazing. Gemma has helped me tap into my intuition + gut + this has helped me make the best decisions on how to grow my business.

I feel very grounded + positive when doing the inner work which is sometimes tough. Gemma has empowered me with what I have learned from her in how to run a business as a HSP. The coaching group are such an amazing group which I have not experienced in the same way before.

Jess Wilkins-Blackburn

Gemma's sessions are amazing, they are unique and like nothing you will have ever experienced.

She uses amazing tools and helps you clear any negative energies that are in the way of your health, happiness or blocking you.

She is amazing at what she does and so intuitive, she makes you feel so welcome and calm and will guide you the whole way.

Such an easy process and yet quick and powerful shifts. I slept better, felt more confident and things in my reality started to shift.

Gemma really is amazing, I hope you get to experience it.

Leanne Connor

"I loved working with Gemma.

I’m clear in a way that I can’t remember being.

My mouth for the first time in years is completely comfortable. I’m speaking out differently to. I have the urge to laugh and do an air punch!

I’m so glad to know you Gemma, you’re such a genuine and lovely person. I hear many say how much they think of you.

I don’t know why we don’t say it more directly to the person but I can let you know it’s nothing but lovely things I heard said about you.

Jill Brown

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